Date: December 6, 2024

Meeting Presentations

Meeting Presentations

If you'd like to see the presentations for this meeting, please login to the website.


WRP Tribal Engagement Committee call on Friday, December 6.  This call will begin at 10:00 am Pacific and conclude no later than 11:30 am Pacific. The agenda for this call:

  • Welcome and Introductions
  • Featured Presentations:
    • USACE Flood Risk Management opportunities and Authorities by Mark Gilfillan {Sauk}, Sr. Tribal Liaison -US Army Corps of Engineers-Tribal Nations Technical Center of Expertise and Regional Tribal Liaison SME-US Army Corps of Engineers-South Pacific Division and Brian Zettle, Senior Biologist/Tribal Liaison, Special Programs Manager, USACE Tribal Nations Technical Center of Expertise (TNTCX)
    • Understanding and Mitigating Risk from Drones by Ryan M Berry, Senior Advisor for Aviation Security, CISA UAS Security Branch, on detail from FAA
  • Next Steps and Actions
  • Around the Phone Updates

Please email amyduffy @ for more information.

A recording of the webinar can be found here.

Meeting Documents

If you'd like to see the documents for this meeting, please login to the website.

Registration is closed for December 6 WRP Tribal Engagement Committee Call

The start date for this meeting has passed, and registration is no longer available.