The following represent GIS tools provided by WRP partners during the 2016-2017 WRP Regional Assessment effort to gather inputs from all WRP partners on their current priorities, emerging issues, and available resources. This list is not exhaustive of WRP GIS-related partner tools but rather represents some of what is available. The WRP will continue to add to these resources as additional ones are identified.
Web-based application that displays environmental data for the southwest U.S. in the context of utility-scale solar energy development (Argonne product)
A one stop shop for keyword and geospatial search of BLM data. This is existing maps and data sets, not a not mapping tool
A web mapping tool that provides Public Land Survey System data
Provides mapping data for designated Section 368 energy corridors in 11 western states, with much of the available geospatial information relevant to corridor routing decisions
Provides data, maps, and models from BLM’s landscape approach initiatives
The West-Wide Wind Mapping Project maps wind energy resources on the public lands and identifies existing land use exclusions and other potential resource sensitivities that may affect wind energy development opportunities across 11 western states.
DOI effort to work with States, Tribes, local governments, and non-governmental organizations to pursue a sustainable water supply; this visual tool contains interactive maps and project tours.
Provides partners with GIS locations of all military installations with completed REPI transactions, along with relevant information and resources for these projects.
Provides digital maps for more than 400 locations across the U.S. using internal and partner tools.
Web based one-stop for data and information related to NPS natural and cultural resources. Intermountain Region (CO, UT, NM, AZ) specific data.
Collaborating on Regulatory Process for Renewable Energy and Bulk Transmission Projects – uses a wiki environment to share permitting guidance, regulations, contacts, and other relevant information.
Mapping tool where the user can either download individual state data or take the national data; the data cannot be grouped specific to just the WRP states. Users can compare from one state to another but not more than two at time. EIA state level data is also available via
Website that provides hourly electricity supply and demand.
The U.S. Energy Atlas is a comprehensive reference for data and interactive maps of energy infrastructure and resources in the United States.
An online search, discovery, and ordering tool developed by USGS that supports searching of satellite, aircraft, and other remote sensing inventories through interactive and textual-based queries.
Global visualization viewer that provides access to select data sets within the USGS remote sensing archive.
The United States Wind Turbine Database (USWTDB) provides the locations of land-based and offshore wind turbines in the United States, corresponding wind project information, and turbine technical specifications. Wind turbine records are collected and compiled from various public and private sources, digitized and position-verified from aerial imagery, and quality checked. The USWTDB is available for download in a variety of tabular and geospatial file formats, to meet a range of user/software needs. Cached and dynamic web services are available for users that wish to access the USWTDB as a Representational State Transfer Services (RESTful) web service.
USGS site that contains a national look at the species of greatest conservation need as reported in state wildlife action plans.
As one of the cornerstones of the U.S. Geological Survey's (USGS) National Geospatial Program, The National Map is a collaborative effort among the USGS and other Federal, State, and local partners to improve and deliver topographic information for the Nation. It has many uses ranging from recreation to scientific analysis to emergency response.
An online tool for Federal agencies, project developers, and interested members of the public to track the Federal government’s environmental review and authorization processes for large or complex infrastructure projects, part of a government-wide effort to improve coordination, transparency, and accountability. The project map function brings up project-specific information.
This application allows you to interact with the WECC environmental risk classes within the Western Interconnect region. Click on a location to see its risk class and area types.
WECC's Interactive Transmission Project Portal Map
GeoPlatform provides shared and trusted geospatial data, services, and applications for use by the public and government agencies and partners to meet their mission needs.
This site provides national foundation-level geospatial data within the open public domain that can be useful to support community preparedness, resiliencey, research, and more. Data is available for download and accessible via web services to support application development and data visualization.
The San Joaquin Valley Gateway provides a regional tool to help planners and resource managers develop and implement integrated multiple-benefit solutions for long-term environmental and economic sustainability. Users can: Explore and organize data & information; create custom visualizations, drawings, & analyses; use collaborative tools in groups; publish datasets, maps, & galleries; and develop decision-support and custom tools
The Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative (RETI) 2.0 Gateway supports the public process of the California Energy Commission, California Public Utilities Commission, and the California Independent System Operator to identify potential transmission that could access and integrate renewable energy with the most environmental, economic, and community benefits.
Data are available in six categories: conservation, energy, oceans, recreation, water, and wildlife.
Link to mapping tool with ability to determine if a project has the potential to affect areas important to military readiness.
The Utah Geographic Reference Center site includes GIS data and tools for a wide range of information across the state.
The Energy Zones Mapping Tool is a free online mapping tool to identify potential energy resource areas and energy corridors in the United States.
This national carbon sequestration database and geographic information system (NATCARB) provides web based access to data, query, and analytical tools. Data sources include both DOE and non-DOE information.
A first of its kind interactive geospatial application that allows tribes to conduct their own analyses of installed energy projects and resource potential on tribal lands.
In April 2018, DOE launched the U.S. Wind Turbine Database (USWTDB) in partnership with the U.S. Geological Survey, AWEA, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), a continuously updated data portal of U.S. wind turbine locations and characteristics. From the USWTDB site, users can download these data in various formats and view and query the data from the online map viewer. The data set contains not only the geo-rectified locations of the turbines but also a suite of important characteristics, such as the turbine height, rotor diameter, capacity, and year online. In September 2018, the number of "clicks" on the USWTDB surpassed 1 million, indicating the data's broad appeal to a variety of users including government, industry, the general public, and international users. The third quarterly update of the USWTDB since its launch was released on October 1, 2018, with the inclusion of wind turbines installed through June 2018.
ECOS serves a variety of reports related to FWS Threatened and Endangered Species. The site also includes the Wildlife & Contaminants Mapper, a tool that displays the location of over 100,000 samples from the Environmental Contaminants Database Management System.
Arizona Department of Real Estate site with links to maps depicting military assets within the state. Note: data is current as of 12/15/14.
The AZ Geographic Information Council public platform is for exploring and downloading open data, discovering and building apps, and engaging to solve important local issues. Users can analyze and combine open data sets using maps, as well as develop new web and mobile applications.
This site allows users to browse all datasets available for download on the NV Bureau of Mines and Geology open data page.
Earth Data Analysis Center (EDAC) at The University of New Mexico (UNM) develops, manages, and enhances the New Mexico Resource Geographic Information System (RGIS) Program and Clearinghouse. Nationally, NM RGIS is among the largest of state-based programs for digital geospatial data and information and continues to add to its data offerings, services, and technology.
The RGIS Program mission is to develop and expand geographic information and use of GIS technology, creating a comprehensive GIS resource for state and local governments, educational institutions, nonprofit organizations, and private businesses; to promote geospatial information and GIS technology as primary analytical tools for decision makers and researchers; and to provide a central Clearinghouse to avoid duplication and improve information transfer efficiency.
As a repository for digital geospatial data acquired from local and national public agencies and data created expressly for RGIS, the clearinghouse serves as a major hub in New Mexico’s network for inter-agency and intergovernmental coordination, data sharing, information transfer, and electronic communication. Data sets available for download include political and administrative boundaries, place names and locations, census data (current and historical), 30 years of digital orthophotography, 80 years of historic aerial photography, satellite imagery, elevation data, transportation data, wildfire boundaries and natural resource data. Click on 'Get Data' here or on the main website to access the portal.