WRP Committees work to better improve regional and interagency cooperation among Federal agencies, Tribal leadership, States, and non-governmental organizations on critical Western regional issues. They provide a forum for information exchange, issue identification, problem solving and recommendations across the WRP region. Committees are continually reviewed to maintain a resilient and dynamic organization.
Tribal Engagement Committee Activities
- Facilitate information-sharing among tribal members and state and federal agencies in the WRP Region and help ensure tribes receive timely updates on important issues.
- Seek tribal input on WRP efforts.
- Encourage technical staff from multiple agencies to find innovative, cross-program solutions to identified tribal issues.
- Honor the government-to-government relationship unique to tribal sovereign nations and foster a collaborative atmosphere on addressing tribal issues, while recognizing that no tribal entity speaks for another and that WRP does not supplant or usurp federal agencies’ responsibilities to consult with tribes.
WRP Tribal Engagement Upcoming Meetings
Past WRP Tribal Engagement Updates