Date: October 4, 2017

Meeting Presentations

Meeting Presentations

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BOEM, a bureau within the U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI), oversees the development of the nation’s energy and mineral resources on the Outer Continental Shelf (OCS), which is typically defined as the area between 3-200 nautical miles off the coastline.  BOEM’s offshore energy leasing program considers environmental, social and economic values of the nation's domestically produced energy supply.  BOEM OCS Pacific Region encompasses the areas off California, Oregon, Washington and Hawaii.

 Ms. Joan Barminski, Regional Director of the BOEM Pacific Region office provided an overview of:

  • BOEM’s mission and jurisdiction
  • BOEM’s four-step offshore wind energy leasing process (planning and analysis; leasing; site assessment; and construction and operations)
  • BOEM’s Environmental Programs
  • Overview of Pacific wind energy activities

A recording of the webinar can be found here

Meeting Documents

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Registration is closed for WRP Energy Committee Webinar: Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Current Planning Activities

The start date for this meeting has passed, and registration is no longer available.