Military Asset List

Within the WRP region there are significant military testing and training installations and ranges. WRP is developing summaries from the Military Services and the National Guard, describing the history, mission, and importance of these assets. These summaries use only publicly available information and are written for the policy maker new to military issues and the military savvy person needing specific military information. It is our hope that WRP Partners use these summaries as a tool for land use planning efforts to encourage compatible growth and ensure future mission viability. Incompatible development (encroachment) comes in many forms but for the military, it means those issues that affect their ability to fulfill their mission on land, in the sea, or in the air. These military summaries are for general planning purposes.

Please check back as we continue to update and finalize additional summaries.

By State


By Military Service


The Department of Defense's Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration (REPI) Program is a key tool for combating encroachment that can limit or restrict military training, testing, and operations. The REPI Program protects these military missions by helping remove or avoid land-use conflicts near installations and addressing regulatory restrictions that inhibit military activities. The REPI Program is administered by the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). A key component of the REPI Program is the use of buffer partnerships among the Military Services, private conservation groups, and state and local governments, authorized by Congress at 10 U.S.C. § 2684a.

REPI Fact Sheets:  The following includes a state profile fact sheet outlining the economic benefit of the military in each WRP state as well as individual REPI project profiles within those states:

REPI Story Map: The REPI Story Map is a 101 briefing that walks through the history of the REPI Program, from its initial work around Fort Bragg, NC to the full suite of tools the Program utilizes today to protect military readiness and benefit communities and the environment.

REPI Interactive Map: The REPI Interactive Map provides partners with GIS locations of all military installations with completed REPI transactions, along with relevant information and resources for these projects.

Sentinel Landscapes: The Sentinel Landscapes Partnership is a nationwide federal, local and private collaboration that since 2013 has been dedicated to promoting natural resource sustainability in areas surrounding military installations. The Partnership identifies opportunities that benefit national defense, local economies and conservation of natural resources. Where shared interests can be identified within a landscape, the Partnership will coordinate mutually beneficial programs and strategies to preserve, enhance or protect habitat and working lands near military installations; reduce, prevent or eliminate restrictions that inhibit military testing and training; prevent incompatible development near our military facilities.

Sentinel Landscapes are working or natural lands important to the nation’s defense mission — places where preserving the working and rural character of key landscapes strengthens the economies of farms, ranches and forests; conserves habitat and natural resources; and protects vital test and training missions conducted on those military installations that anchor such landscapes.

DoD Siting Clearinghouse

DoD is increasingly called upon to review the compatibility of proposed wind, solar, transmission, and other projects with military activities. The DoD Siting Clearinghouse was established by the Secretary of Defense in 2010 to provide a timely, transparent, and repeatable process to evaluate potential impacts as well as explore potential mitigation options related to alternative energy production while preserving DoD's mission. The Assistant Secretary of Defense (Energy, Installations, & Environment) is the lead organization for the Siting Clearinghouse. For more information, visit the DoD's Siting Clearinghouse website

DoD Natural Resources Program

DoD's Natural Resources Program supports the military's testing and training mission by protecting its biological resources. The Natural Resources Program provides policy, guidance, and oversight for management of natural resources on approximately 25 million acres of military land, air, and water resources owned or operated by DoD. The Natural Resources Program goal is to support the military's combat readiness mission by ensuring continued access to realistic habitat conditions, while simultaneously working to ensure the long-term sustainability of our nation’s priceless natural heritage. For more information, visit the DoD Natural Resources Program website.

Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation

The Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation (OLDCC) leverages capabilities of state and local partners through grants and technical assistance to enhance readiness of our installations and ranges, and to deliver safe places for our members and their families where capabilities in Department of Defense do not otherwise exist. OLDCC’s program portfolio is presently comprised of over 200 separate grants, exceeding $1.3 billion, and represents partnerships between the Department and most states and communities that host Department of Defense installations. Many of these grants require years of monitoring following award.

At the same time, the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation works with states and communities to help them respond to changes driven by the Department of Defense. By leveraging the full capabilities of the Federal government, the Office of Local Defense Community Cooperation helps towns, cities, and states plan and carry out a future that is both sustainable and in alignment with the military mission. To learn more about OLDCC, visit their website.

Defense Spending by State:  OLDCC publishes its Defense Spending by State Report each year. The Defense Spending by State Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 is the most recent report and it examines U.S. defense spending in FY 2021 at the state and local levels for the 50 states and Washington, D.C.